Björn Franzén lagar mat för sugna diabetiker och annat folk
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My daughter was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of three, in 2013. This made us re-evaluate everything in our life, especially the food we ate. It’s been a few years now, but you never quite get used to it. Childhood diabetes is a serious illness that leads to death if left untreated.
Our situation at home taught me a lot about food. Suddenly I realized the food we ate out of old habit or tradition was breaking us down. It was a shocking awakening. We have now adapted our diet to suit our diabetic daughter and discovered that this way of eating was healthier and better for all of us. – Björn Frantzén
- Swedish publishing: Norstedts, text Sara Frantzén & Göran Lager, photography Erik Olsson, design Karin van der Kwast Gissberg
- Published 2017